Our new website is the Metaverse’s ultimate immersive tool for education and peer discussion in chemistry and structural biology. Running in web browsers and hence on all modern devices like smartphones, tablets, computers and VR-headsets, MolecularWebXR allows users to interact with each other and with virtual objects seamlessly inside a dedicated VR world. Access one of various rooms with preset content covering different topics, or setup your own material for education and scientific discussions. Read on to know more, see it in action, and get help. Article at https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/molecularwebxr-free-multiuser-immersive-chemistry-and-biology-at-your-fingertips-from-high-end-50b93f8e1148
Building ChatGPT-like Chatbots With Customized Knowledge for Your Websites With Very Simple Programming
I’ve been building chatbots powered by GPT-3, that allow you to insert ChatGPT-like interfaces in any website by using simply a PHP library plus some HTML and JavaScript.
Here my main articles on this:
Over one year of AlphaFold 2 free for everyone to use and of the revolution it triggered in biology
An article covering confident prediction of protein structures, their interactions with other biomolecules, and even protein design, all now at everybody’s reach thanks to the revolution started by Deepmind. Via https://medium.com/advances-in-biological-science/over-one-year-of-alphafold-2-free-for-everyone-to-use-and-of-the-revolution-it-triggered-in-biology-f12cac8c88c6
– Introduction
– Democratizing the use of AlphaFold 2 and new adaptations of it
– What’s next
– Protein language models
– Pre-made databases of structural models built with these modern tools
– Unexpected things that AlphaFold 2 seems to be able to do
– Further reads on the topic and on broader structural biology
Web-based multiuser VR for fluent interactive collaboration and work
Check this blog post we wrote about our multiuser web-based VR tools that help connect students, teachers and researchers inside virtual worlds to discuss on virtual objects -here molecules that they can grab, move, zoom, and even deform with realistic physics, using just their hands and available everywhere thanks to #webxr. An article with plenty of examples in videos and photographs of actual users engaged with the tool. We are making science fiction reality!
Via https://medium.com/geekculture/web-based-multiuser-vr-for-seamless-interactive-collaboration-and-work-8bd9272e6b06
Love and hate stories about Brave -right now my preferred web browser
Using Brave with MetaMask to learn about the Ethereum blockchain:
Using Brave to navigate the internet without getting mad at advertisements:
Complaining that Brave pays but way too little:
A full web app to analyze historical cryptocurrency data -you can even compare coins
Let me share with you these new Medium blog entries describing my latest web app for cryptocurrency data display and analysis. Even with free test accounts:
Story 1:
Story 2:
All my peer-reviewed and blog articles on protein modeling, CASP, and AlphaFold
I compiled all my peer-reviewed articles (some papers, a couple of reviews, one opinion) and blog entries about modeling proteins without templates, the best tool out there so far (AlphaFold 2), and the contest on structure prediction that positioned its developer Deepmind at the top (CASP).
You can see all these articles here.
Two articles on how to easily retrieve historical crypto data with minimal web programming
Articles describing how to obtain historical and real-time crypto data from two data providers using their free APIs and very simple web programming.
New Medium story featuring the latest from Deepmind
Read this new article here at Medium’s Towards Data Science.