Love and hate stories about Brave -right now my preferred web browser

Using Brave with MetaMask to learn about the Ethereum blockchain:

Using Brave to navigate the internet without getting mad at advertisements:

Complaining that Brave pays but way too little:

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Reading and writing data to the Ethereum blockchain is very easy -see how in these two new articles

Two articles to learn about cryptostuff, blockchains, web3.0, and programming, all at the same time:

First, how to write data (disclaimer: you’ll need to spend some money as Ethereum):

Article 1: How to easily post data in the Ethereum blockchain network forever -with no programming

And then an article on how to read data (no need to spend money for this):

Article 2: Read Public Messages from the Ethereum Network with Simple Web Programming

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A full web app to analyze historical cryptocurrency data -you can even compare coins

Let me share with you these new Medium blog entries describing my latest web app for cryptocurrency data display and analysis. Even with free test accounts:

Story 1:

Story 2:

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Two articles on how to easily retrieve historical crypto data with minimal web programming

Articles describing how to obtain historical and real-time crypto data from two data providers using their free APIs and very simple web programming.

Obtaining historical and real-time crypto data with very simple web programming
Obtain Unlimited Historical Crypto Data through Simple Web Code -no API Keys

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